
Corporate Catagories & Meanings.

by in blog

Ever wondered what some of those corporate categories stand for?

• “na” – All
• “BNK” – Bank
• “COP” – Cooperative
• “SOL” – Corporation Sole
• “CRU” – Credit Union
• “FMA” – Fish Marketing Act
• “RFN” – Foreign Registration
• “FBS” – Fraternal Building Society
• “FRA” – Fraternal Society
• “GRG” – Grange
• “INS” – Insurance
• “LLP” – Limited Liability Partnership
• “PLC” – Limited Liability Professional
• “LLC” – Limited Liability Regular
• “LTD” – Limited Partnership
• “MAS” – Massachusetts Trust
• “MIL” – Military
• “MMC” – Miscellaneous and Mutual
• “PRO” – Professional Service
• “PBC” – Public Benefit Corporation
• “PUB” – Public Utilities
• “REG” – Regular Corporation
• “RES” – Reservation of Name
• “SAL” – Savings and Loan
• “CAS” – Special Cooperative

Hope this is helpful to our clients that sometimes find themselves scratching their heads in wonder.