
HB 2781 replaced by HB 2919

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WA Legislation update from Patrick Reed of the Washington SOS:

HB2929 still removes corporation and LLC annual reports from CCFS and places them with Department of Revenue/MyDOR for an increased cost of more than $5,000,000 per year to the business community. This attempted move is not necessary and detrimental to customer service. We believe we can, and have been since November 2017, process your annual reports more efficiently, eliminate the $11 BLS processing fee, and provide enhanced features like detailed filing history, on-demand retrieval of copies, and real-time filing.

The initial bill, HB 2781 is still there, but has apparently been replaced by HB2929 which now has the hearing.

Opposition to HB 2929 can be done in multiple ways.

· Testify in opposition during the hearing on Friday, February 2 at 10:00 and/or
send email/letters to the Finance Committee Members and your local legislators
· Should the bill advance out of the House, be available to repeat opposition in the Senate Committees
· Encourage your colleagues and clients to also participate in opposing this bill

Patrick Reed of the Washington SOS is happy to answer any questions you may have. He can be reached at 360-725-0358 , or patrick.reed@sos.wa.gov Below is useful information on how to testify, how to comment, and parking on the Capitol Campus, if you choose to testify.

We will continue to monitor and post changes here.

How to Testify: http://leg.wa.gov/legislature/Pages/Testify.aspx

How to Comment on a Bill: http://leg.wa.gov/legislature/Pages/BillCommentsHelp.aspx

Parking: http://leg.wa.gov/legislature/Pages/Parking.aspx